Wednesday, July 13, 2011


In the beginning, there was timidity.  The people I know who blog are smart, articulate, interesting and I don't know how I fit into all that.  The year of the death has started so many different threads of thought, introspection, and re-evaluation that I need a way to straighten it out, put it in order.

So I thought my own little secret blog would be the way.  A glory hole I can whisper into anonymously, confessing my humanity to the inhuman, and frequently inhumane, internet universe.  I started one years ago.  Set up the template but never posted any entries.  In fact, I don't even recall what it was called.  Something about big skies, I suppose, because I was using variations of big skies woman at the time.

Lack of brevity may be my biggest challenge.  After all, someday someone might accidentally wander across hippos cant dance and I should be respectful of their time.

The reason for the blog:  my mother died, I am 43, I am molting and its not happening easily, I have my lobster, and Michelle Bachmann is seriously being considered as a presidential candidate. 

The hope for the blog:  I finish molting in time to enjoy the rest of my life.